May our hearts and minds continue to birl away from self and move through the currents of this world, carried by His Word, to the eternal embrace of our Saviour, Christ Jesus.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Not the Same, It's Different!

There was a surprise sitting just outside the labyrinth today. After a full week of rain, one of the big agaves is pushing out a shoot! These agaves can get to about three feet in diameter and several feet tall. This one will eventually bloom lots of little baby agaves from this shoot.

Do you see how similar this looks to the bamboo shoots? They are not at all the same, tho’!
Now look, after a full week of rain for the bamboo, they are soaring up over the roof! Tho’ similar, these two plants are worlds apart in their sun, water and soil preferences. One shoot will grow to be forty feet tall and the other maybe ten. And the agave shoot will actually produce hundreds of little flowers, that will then become little baby agaves. (just like other plants produces seeds, this guy produces already formed plants…promise pics one day!)

See?  God has created all his creation with specific things we are to do and ways we grow. For me, if we all liked the same things, dressed the same way, ate the same things, it would make for a pretty boring world, don’t ya think?
We were never intended to look alike, or behave the same. God decorated His world with the beauty of His design in each of us.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Romans 12:2

We’re also not to conform to this world. Same-ness and conformity are tricks of the evil one. They may be dressed up all nice, but we should always ‘test’ what we think is a growing opportunity against God’s Word. Another beautiful thing is that God has given us the capacity to continue to grow for our entire lives! He gave us teachable hearts, minds that can always be transformed to the desire of our Lord. We may choose to stop growing, but His desire is that we are renewed and growing in Him, with Him always...
You would not want to be trying to grow like an agave when you’re really a Giant Timber Bamboo, now would you?!

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11

Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Plumb AND the Bob?

Well, the last big obstacle has been pulled from the labyrinth. This stump was right in the middle of the path! I had some help getting it out, too! The guys pulled it out and they both saw something different. (I was kinda excited that they saw anything at all!!!
They didn’t want to throw it out before they showed me the dog…no wait, it’s a fish…wait it’s a ???? 
All in your perspective, right? We all had a good laugh, and so it sits on the labyrinth fence for now, until we find it a good “home”.

Our new dog/fish reminded me of something a dear friend said a few months ago, as more of a joke I think, but it has rattled around in my head ever since. “The Plumb or the Bob” ~
Her point was that we have to be careful that in our decisions, perceptions, conversations, etc. we do not set ourselves up as the reference point and the pointer.

All of our lives are different in perspective, experience, character…the list is endless. The “constant” in all our lives is our Lord. How we connect to Him, serve and live for Him is different, but He is the Constant, so that all we say and do should reflect His presence in our lives.
As I have thought about it, perhaps we’re more likely meant to be the workman!
God as our Plumb ~ our sure foundation in all things, every step of our lives set on His plan.
Christ our Bob ~ our Saviour’s life given to point us to God and the path of life He has made for us and how to live in it.
and the Holy Spirit our String ~ our connection to foundation and salvation in life’s journey.

Looks like a good measuring stick for our days lived for Him…not because we “must”, or “have to”, but because we can and we’re blessed to do so! Do the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart speak Jesus into my world? Am I delighted?

Remember: A stingy planter gets a stingy crop; a lavish planter gets a lavish crop. I want each of you to take plenty of time to think it over, and make up your own mind what you will give.
That will protect you against sob stories and arm-twisting.
God loves it when the giver delights in the giving.
God can pour on the blessings in astonishing ways so that you’re ready for anything and everything, more than just ready to do what needs to be done.
  II Corinthians 9:6-8 ~ The Message

And not meant to be a foot note at all, my heartfelt thanks to the Lord for all the amazing, wondermous people He has speaking His Truth into my life…I am blessed!!!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Climb

Funny thing happened at the bird feeder today! I had part of an orange leftover, and the chachalacas (that’s a large Mexican pheasant) were all sitting waiting for something to eat, so I took it out and put it in the feeder. There are about 11 chachalacas now and to be honest, we live in their yard, not the other way around. They come to the window and sit on the deck and in general are very much at home here! So, my feeding them is normal…they come to the door and knock, as the saying goes!

Well, today was different. I had seen a cat earlier creeping up the walk, so putting the food in the deck feeder just wasn’t a good idea. But, they had other ideas and they would not go up to the feeder, they wanted the food on the ground. SO, my great idea was to get something else and put that up in the feeder and maybe they would want that more. 
They didn’t go up again!?! As a matter of fact, they started getting a little testy with each other, squawking and basically pouting.

A little bit later I looked out the window and saw two of the older Chachas hop up in the feeder and begin eating the orange. The others didn’t follow…it was just the two of them. After a few minutes, they hopped down and started feeding the crowd around them. And the verse I had read that morning came to mind…
“…the committed climbed with Him. Arriving at a quiet place,
He sat down and taught His climbing companions.”
Matthew 5:2 ~ The Message

The young chachas and the newer ones, didn’t go up to the feeder. It was food, but in a different place and shaped in a different way. It just got me to thinking how much I “miss” with God because it isn’t shaped “just right”.

New heights, new seasons are in life’s journey ~ how beautiful the path for those committed to climbing with Him. There is such treasure here in these words. To be committed to Christ, given over, all in; It speaks of no reservations, no hesitation of the heart. And oh to climb with such a heart!
Our steps do not waiver, no stumbling over our own preconceptions. Climbing speaks of effort, of a gaze set higher than flat earth, reaching for more than is visible to the searching soul.
The sweetest treasure of all is this is where our Saviour sits with us. Just like with the chachas today, God feeds us where it is best for our soul. In the midst of life’s climb, there are quiet places in the journey, places He has set aside to sit and speak Life into the climbers. It is here we are taught, in the expense of our effort, in the climb, there is now space for the inflow of His Word.

For in the climb with Christ, we are not to be porters carrying the baggage of our days, that does make for slippery slopes. Our Lord climbs with us, our burden is Light, and in the climb He calls us His companions!