May our hearts and minds continue to birl away from self and move through the currents of this world, carried by His Word, to the eternal embrace of our Saviour, Christ Jesus.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

A Morning Prayer....

Held, Not Holding On

Forgive me Lord for my graspings. Those things clung to in habit, the debris of the days, they clutter my heart.
Speak afresh to my soul, that Your Word would revive and clear my path. Lift this life from the litter of distractions and restore to me the joy of Your salvation.
May the steps of this life be made by The Shepherd.
“ their shepherd and carry them forever.”
Psalm 28:9b

Thursday, August 29, 2013


 So many choices! Ya know, plants are just like people. Really! First, they are God’s creation and they do all serve a purpose. Shade, seeds or shelter they go thru their cycle of life all fit together in Creation’s purpose.
Where we live the soil isn’t acidic enough, so for a Hibiscus plant all you have to do is add a few coffee grounds and they are super happy! Just start blooming away. 
Some plants need lots of water, others not so much…same with sun levels, fertilizers, etc. If a plant is placed next to an incompatible plant “friend”, it dies.
You see where this is going, don’t ya?!?!

Our key to growing with God is to always be learning about how He made us. What feeds your soul? It may not be the same as your best friend, but hey it isn’t supposed to be. We all fit in His plan, with His purpose. 

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness,
and all these things will be given to you as well.
Matthew 6:33
See? God gives us the order right there…seek first. Till that soil, feed your soul and then see what God has to bloom in your life. I think too many times in life we cut that short (limit the work of God in our lives) because we’re living it backward. Like coming at a circumstance with our preconceived idea and then tilling towards only that.  

He makes our paths straight. He always desires the best for us. His plans are waaaayyyy cooler than we can ask or imagine! One of the worst traps to fall into is to compare ourselves with the other flowers in the garden.

Work your garden ~ 
till the soil of your mind, 
feed your soul on His word and 
Bloom away!
 It’s not the one who plants or the one who waters who is at the center of this process but God, who makes things grow. Planting and watering are menial servant jobs at minimum wages. What makes them worth doing is the God we are serving. You happen to be God’s field in which we are working.
I Corinthians 3:7-9 (The Message)

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Weeds Happen

 So, in the midst of “life”, I haven’t gotten to the labyrinth in a couple of weeks and as I walked around the corner this morning, this sight greeted me! Wow, what a mess. Like everyone, life has been happening around here…roofers and all. So, it looks like I’ll be pulling weeds and clearing things out!

Reminds me of something....hum, Oh Yeah! This looks like my life when “life” gets in the way of what is really important. And it does take us actual and intentional effort to get the weeds of life out. I mean, there are lots of good things in my life…but it can get pretty weedy around here!
Probably the hardest thing for everyone is identifying “the weed”. And if we’re all honest, we’re our own worst judge in this area. What stays? What goes? Harder still…who?

First, the good news is, God didn’t intend for us to run the universe, so the pressure is off there! He has tho’, really blessed us with people and opportunities to serve. So, how can we tell what is what?!?!
Always….pray! For some tho’ this kind of praying may be a first, a little different and a bit difficult, because this is all about the listening. You know, don’t go to God with a laundry list of stuff. Just lift up the basket and ask Him to sort it for you. This is where we listen…no talking. It sometimes helps me to sit with a pen and paper and just jot down the “stuff” that goes thru my mind to distract me, then re-focus and listen. Don’t expect claps of thunder, or a big gong or anything, but perhaps a thought, or prompting. Most importantly, keep going to God in prayer with your basket lifted up!
Second, be sure you’re holding up everything to Scripture. God never contradicts Himself! And third, if you don’t already have one, get a friend whom you can trust and run things by them. Go to them with an open heart that is ready to hear some truth spoken…they’ve probably seen this coming for a while, when we were rushing thru the day with blinders on!

Remember ~ Steps in life are clearer and easier to take when there aren’t so many weeds in the way…Happy Weeding!

I’ll be a personal guide to them,
    directing them through unknown country.
I’ll be right there to show them what roads to take,
    make sure they don’t fall into the ditch.
These are the things I’ll be doing for them—
    sticking with them, not leaving them for a minute.”
Isaiah 42:16 (Message ver)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Wake Up Call!

 I Corinthians 13:4-8a
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails…
This verse woke me up today. Really, 4:30 am, with my eyes wide open! I am trying to really sit and listen when this happens. There’s an excitement in expecting that something will come in the day, to show me the significance of the verse, or a new aspect for me to learn. The option would be to fuss (snarl;) over being awakened…it’s all in the perspective!

Well, this one is just loverly! Easy and encouraging, too.
My first thought was, “who is Love?” Well, God is, so what if I read the verse like that….you go ahead and do it, I’ll wait right here!

God is patient, God is kind. He does not envy, He does not boast, He is not proud. He does not dishonor others, He is not self-seeking, He is not easily angered, He keeps no record of wrongs. God does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. He always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
God never fails…

Pretty cool, huh?!?!? Scripture teaches us that He IS love. It does not exist without, or apart from God. Love isn’t some feeling, emotional response, or cosmic energy! We don’t manufacture it, manipulate it, control it or in anyway conjure it up. Love doesn’t leave us when times get tough.

SO, when you think on love, remember, if it’s the real deal, then it is Him! Love covers, envelops, indwells. Love may dwell in us and reach out to others. Love is the gift of God’s presence…anything else is a counterfeit!
‘Cuz truly, when I look at that list of attributes, there’s nooooo way that’s me! He is an amazing God who always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
God never fails…

Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.
Psalm 106:1