May our hearts and minds continue to birl away from self and move through the currents of this world, carried by His Word, to the eternal embrace of our Saviour, Christ Jesus.

Psalm 91 ~ A Reflection

The Shadow of Shaddai,
          where holy mists rise high
          and peace rides the wind.
There, is the place of Sanctuary,
          where fears never tarry
          and hearts can mend.
This Shadow of Shaddai, the gift of grace,
          His love leaning to touch each child’s face,
          The very shadow of His holy presence
Is God standing at your side,
          His Radiance leaving evil no where to hide ~
          You now stand in His very essence.
Where we battle within and without,
          in rebellion and doubt,
          we find shelter in the Shadow of Shaddai.
Embraced, enveloped in Shadow.    
          He is the Protection from every foe.
          God’s heart knows our every cry.
The Shadow of Shaddai
          carries you soaring the sky ~
          with the exhilaration of God in flight.
His wings out stretched over every soul,
          filling spirits, making dreams whole.
He knows the path over our plight.
There is no darkness in His Shadow,
          for we are held in heaven’s glow.
          His arms of Love cradle us in the Cleft of the Rock.
His Shadow is cast from heaven above,
          in the brilliance of His Blanket of Love,
          The Shepherd’s Shadow lays over His flock.

The Shadow of Shaddai
          is the place where angels fly,
          safe from the battle and harm,
In the Shadow, trust blooms and grows,
          to be taken where ever your life goes,
          carried forever in God’s arm.
There is no timid or frightened soul here,
          no misgivings the heart can hear,
          For Glory’s Shadow has been cast!
Our trust and God’s Love made this place ~
          Peace bathed over every up-lifted face,
          Trusting His Love will forever last.
The Shadow of Shaddai
          where we may dwell in the Lord Most High,
          a permanent home here and forever.
‘For Thou are with me’
          is His promise for eternity.
Bask in the peace of the covenant He will not sever.
For He is the calm at the center of our soul,
          The Healer Who makes life whole
          and so we sit in the cool reign of His glory.
The protective, powerful Shadow of Jesus,
          Whose loving sacrifice frees us ~
          is the shadow cast at Calvary, the resurrection story.

So, stand in the Shadow of Shaddai
          in the fullness of life,  feel Him draw nigh.
          He who led you through will take you home.
There is no place you are alone,
          no heart ache unknown.
Our God is faithful, He is our Cornerstone.

Jeanie Rowell ~ May 2005

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Thank you for stepping in to birl with me!
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace
as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow
with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13