I heard him yesterday morning, singing from the top of the trees. He sang, he flit around and then he sang some more. It was a pretty song today, but it isn’t always.
Mockingbirds are amazing! I like to think they have been given the gift of “bird speech”. Sitting next to a Clay-colored Robin they can whistle along with each other, or he can squawk at the parrot two branches over! Their songs reflect their relationships ~ their proximity to others and there, right in the middle of the squawk, is the lesson.
Who is sitting on the branches of our lives?
I Corinthians 15:33 says…
Don’t let anyone deceive you.
Associating with bad people will ruin decent people.
Over the years we’ve heard our Mockingbird friends sing some pretty tunes and some, not so pretty ~ Like the whole week we heard him singing out like the neighbor’s house alarm! OR the day he cracked and spewed like a Grackle. His abilities, his “gift” hasn’t changed ~ All his singing reflects is who he is hanging around and what his influences are.
Every day, every moment we get to choose light or dark / life or death in our words. There are days tho’, that we let our guard down and we find ourselves sitting with the “grackles”. We all have grackles… Maybe they are actual people, habitual phrases, bad habits or perhaps memories that hold us captive.
Lord, our prayer…our daily desire, is that You help us watch where we perch our souls’ ear, that what sings over our lives nurtures our souls’ steps with You.
Nothing is more appealing than speaking beautiful, life-giving words.
For they release sweetness to our souls and inner healing to our spirits.
Proverbs 16:24