First....Thanks for everyone's patience while getting the blog set up for posting! Still having problems, call or email me. :)
This evening we skimmed thru the intro and shared a little of our thoughts along the way.
As everyone reads the intro chapter, if you have a favourite part (something that really jumps out at you), please share!
For 19, last P, last sentence: "the New Testament anchors a woman's identity and purpose to her relationship with Jesus rather than to her parentage, her marital status, or her children."
LOVE that!!!We are who we are as
defined by Him! Not "how" we are living relationally (dysfunctionally?) in our lives here, but first and foremost with Jesus. THAT relationship function is what determines all the rest for His purpose. Note to self: God has a plan, go with that!
As for the question section, we were for the most part, very similar in our first responses! Loved Laurie's "Who was that?" question to herself when thinking about something that was said or done in a situation. Got me to thinking this evening, how often I "mean" something one way, but boy does it come out another! ;)
We also read Psalm 13 in the NKJV and The Message....what a difference!
Praying for us all in this study that we can grow in our trust of God (as David was in Psalm 13) that no matter the situations God allows in our lives, we know we are constantly in HIS care and love! New steps of trusting...
Chime in and enjoy chapter ONE..."see" you Tuesday