While sitting on my deck (surprise!), I got out the computer to get started. I began praying for our upcoming time together, for His blessing on the use of this technology, and if He really wanted us "here" in blog land for HIM to give us a "cool" name...one that reflected our desire to grow, to move further along with Him and to see freshly all that we think we already know. Well, I sat and nothing came! hmmm... SO, I just went to a thesaurus web site and asked God to please maybe use this? Well, of course He did!!! Right there the "word of the day" was BIRL.
A new word to me, and soooo approriate in the description of our hearts in pursing Him. To change, have things 'turned' around to see Him more clearly in this turmoil of a world we live in.
Then, I went to Biblegateway to get a verse that might reflect this new word and our blog....can you guess what the 'verse of the day' was!?!?! Yep, 1 Peter 1:13
As obedient children, let yourselves be pulled into a way of life shaped by God’s life, a life energetic and blazing with holiness. God said, “I am holy; you be holy.””
Then, as He was providing everything quicker that I could ask, I thought a picture would be nice....something that would be kinda book-looking, but not boring. WooHoo, that swirling (birling?) bookcase you see is a picture that I have from my trip to London with Terri a few years ago when we were in the Victoria & Albert Museum. This whole blog took about 10 minutes to put together!
So, we can start with thanking Him, know that He has provided the very design of this place where we can share and grow together. Still excited?!?!?! I am, too!!!
Hi Ladies,
ReplyDeleteWhen Jeanie said the story I had goosebumps. I am so excited to start a new venture with you wonderful ladies. I know God wants us to continue our journey together. We have some new friends among us which is awesome :) I can't wait to hear from all the ladies their insite of the book. I am very grateful we found an alternative in continuing our sisterhood. I was sadden that I had a full schedule and didn't want to miss out. But God worked his miracles and here were are, our 1st BLOG!!! Thank you Jesus, for all the smart ladies! :) I will check up on the blog tonight to see what happened at Jeanie's. Don't party too hard with out me!!! Love ya all!! Blessings, Jen
Great evening ladies!!!