What a morning! We have had sprinkler repair people all over the yard for days, so today was the day to put things back in place in the labyrinth. Just a few path rocks to move and plants to rearrange. And it is another day I am so thankful for the breezy morning, too!
Two new control valves
had to be added to the system…and of course they’re in the labyrinth!?!?! It
was cool to see that, unbeknownst to the sprinkler dude, the valves were in
just the right spot. I just added a few new rocks and presto the eye sore was
gone! This whole process had me going around to see what other spots may need
to be re-worked.
Take me by the hand;
Lead me down the path of truth. Psalm 25:5
Lead me down the path of truth. Psalm 25:5
We may think it would be
easier if life were a straight line, but where’s the adventure in that?
is full of twists and turns and God has plans for every one of them. He grows
us and matures us down our paths and we can be richer in our relationship with
Him for the journey He takes us on.
He puts big walls where they are needed,
little ones elsewhere, a few hills and valleys, and of course our destination
is securely set!
Each of us are unique, a
story written by God for every one of His dearly loved children. There are
billions of people with billions of steps designed for their lives! I just
wonder if we have this ‘unique’ thing backwards. I mean He has a plan for each
of us and He loves us fully, but let’s not forget that He’s the One, the Only,
the Unique God, the Author of our salvation who made all these plans!
As we walk our ‘unique’
path, it can be easy to keep our eyes on the path, head down and nose to the
grind stone, as it were…to watch our steps thinking we’re being responsible and
This morning I stopped
to stretch my neck, after all this path checking, and I just looked up.
What a
relief, what a pretty sight! In our own soul care, this is essential! Looking
up to the One who’s got it all laid out for us. With God in our gaze, all the
stress is gone, the worries handed over to Him fade away (‘cuz He has a path
for that person we’re ‘worried’ about, too!) and our path perspective can
become His perspective.
If I keep my eyes on
God, I won’t trip over my own feet.
Psalm 25:15
you have a minute, treat yourself to a few minutes and read all of Psalm 25