life is set in its time ~ to live, to be, to choose ~ and over all our moments
we live in Love’s touch in the tangles of life.
thing is, this is God’s weaving…our lives are in His tapestry of time
and space. So, who says it is tangled? A very freeing lesson in life comes when
we release our views and embrace His will.
Labyrinth lesson number
4 million 32!
With many stories like these, He presented His message to them,
fitting the stories to their experience and maturity. He was never without a
story when He spoke. When He was alone with His disciples, He went over
everything, sorting out the tangles,
untying the knots.
Mark 4:33-34
The Message Version
I have
had several visitors to the labyrinth now and they remind me of the learning
process this place provides. When you come to the opening, there is no way to
see the whole pattern. You do not know your path, or your steps before
you enter, tho’ after reaching the center, and hopefully spending some grace
filled moments of communion there, you will retrace your steps back out. But,
almost to a person, everyone wants the path explained first, or a map, or
something that ‘reveals’ it all first.
like life, right? We walk with the Lord, in His plan, thru His paths and we get
to spend time with Him. He is always teaching, it is just that we may not
always be learning, or we are in a hurry and ‘need’ to know what’s up
beforehand? But, on those beautiful paths that we do learn a central Truth on,
we have the privilege of taking it out into our world to share with others.
That place of hardship, the newly discovered joy, the times of pressing into our
Lord more every moment ~ those are not tangles, they are just steps we have not
taken yet.
And those who huddle in night,
those who sit in the shadow of death,
Will be able to rise and walk in the light,
guided in the pathway of peace.
those who sit in the shadow of death,
Will be able to rise and walk in the light,
guided in the pathway of peace.
Luke 1:79
The Voice Version
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Thank you for stepping in to birl with me!
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace
as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow
with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13