Well, today we had Painted Buntings
and Orioles and Warblers, oh my! It was just crazy-busy at the waterfall. And I
got to sit here and watch and take waaaaay too many pictures, too! Tomorrow is
Easter and this has just been a beautiful display of life moving and going with
the seasons.
So often people ask why we have them in
our yard and they don’t. Well, apparently, by having a pond and putting out a
little food, we have invited them over. ;)
Kinda like Jesus…He did, after all make this
world we live in, as if He didn’t.
It is an amazingly beautiful thing, when we offer Him
a place to be in our lives, just how He will accept the invitation. It isn’t
like He isn’t always around, we just may not be looking for Him…
Anyway, it just got me to thinking
about how many lovely things God is doing in this world, but people miss out on
it because they don’t know to look up! Oh to live a life so brightly colored
with Jesus that those around us look up! Here’s to being a bunting!!!
Romans 10:14-17 ~
The Message Version
Isaiah asked what
we all ask at one time or another: “Does anyone care, God? Is anyone listening
and believing a word of it?” The point
is: Before you trust, you have to listen. But unless Christ’s Word is preached, there’s nothing to listen to.