My mom, among many other fun things,
has acquired a nickname over the years. She is our grammar police. Spell check
and Grammar check can’t hold a candle to her!
When we were kids she would check our homework for school and you could
always count on her to stop those participles from dangling and “however”
always had its own personal comma.

It was the word amuse that caught
her eye. Everyone one wants to be “amused”, to be entertained and engrossed by
our amusements. Our culture is fixated on the pursuit of amusements. We have devices
coming out our ears (really coming out our ears) like phones, i-things, TVs,
etc. I mean, we have amusement parks, hello?!?! If you really think on it, the level of distraction,
disguised as amusement, is staggering. Well, these
five letters jumped off the page to my mom the other day…A-MUSE.
I sat and listened, as she so
eloquently explained the Truth in that word revealed to her. (should have
recorded it!) I’ll try to relay it here for y’all. You see, the letter “a” is a
negative prefix, like “non”, “dis”, “in” and “anti”. So, the root word of amuse
isn’t amuse, it is Muse: to consider something thoughtfully, to ponder. That
then means that the “a” added to muse, at its Latin core, turns this definition
upside down. AMuse: is to not ponder thoughtfully. WOW! I will never look at
that little “a” the same again. That is amazing! Hum, amazing…to undo the maze
of confusion in our heads?
We do live in a society consumed
with visuals that amuse, but in the inundation of our days, here is a thought
to ponder…How many thought-filled moments slip by completely unnoticed in the
noise of amusement? Those superficial
seconds that ponder really nothing at all? It is so very easy to fall for the
world’s redefining of Truth, but the Truth is...
Amusement is not Joy.
Amusement cannot replace Peace.
Amusement will never give us Hope.
I drove home, in my quiet car, so
very grateful, thankful for the time at the kitchen table with my mom…just musing
over five little letters. Praying we all find a few more musing moments in our days!
Living then, as every one of you does, in pure grace,
it’s important that you not misinterpret yourselves as people who are bringing
this goodness to God. No, God brings it all to you. The only accurate way to
understand ourselves is by what God is and by what He does for us, not by what
we are and what we do for Him.
Romans 12:3b ~ The
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Thank you for stepping in to birl with me!
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace
as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow
with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13