May our hearts and minds continue to birl away from self and move through the currents of this world, carried by His Word, to the eternal embrace of our Saviour, Christ Jesus.

Friday, October 24, 2014


Have you ever noticed that it is hard to notice just how much undergrowth there really is? 
So, here’s how it happened…I went out to clean more of the labyrinth today. Thought I’d start with the gate area and work my way in. I climbed over the wood pile, with my dear Ruby at my heals, and we started in. You see, the duranta has really pushed out, then over, because of all the recent rains. So, the idea was to just trim off the dead wood and lift it up a little. WELL, we got under there and it was a mess. I started to doubt whether or not I could get this done, even with Ruby’s help!

But, as I started to pull on the branches, the dead ones just snapped right off, one right after the other. The clippers went right thru everything and we hauled it off and were done in no time!
Like lots of “things” in our life, it is a good idea to get under them and take a look for any dead wood. There are many things in our life that have pretty flowers like a duranta, but they don’t stay pretty for long if we don’t sort thru and look for God to lift things up. As I was trimming, I was thinking, that the trimming part wasn’t so bad…it was the getting myself here to do it in the first place that was the hard part! Oh, but the trimming was soooo worth it!

We humans were never meant to cart all our dead wood around thru life! All that stuff is heavy, it keeps us looking backwards and most importantly…how can we grow in the “right” direction with all that extra weight? I know I’m mixing metaphors here, but this made me think of how God had the Israelites pick up stones from the Jordan and build a memorial after they got across the river, in order to mark this part of the journey  to learn from!

We will use these stones to build a memorial. In the future your children will ask you, ‘What do these stones mean?’ Then you can tell them, ‘They remind us that the Jordan River stopped flowing when the Ark of the Lord’s Covenant went across.’ These stones will stand as a memorial among the people of Israel forever.”
Joshua 4:6 & 7 ~ NLT

Perhaps, the better solution is to be able to look back and see cords of wood along our path and know that God trimmed and lifted the weight for us, as we walked with Him.

Now, I’m not sayinthat all trimming is easy and light weight! As a matter of fact, because this job was so “easy”, I decided to keep going and take out a few of the big bamboo stalks that had died back. That trimming is a whole nother story! It was hard to saw down and it was quite the wrestling match to get out! But it is done….AND I have decided to put all the bamboo sticks and poles into the pallet fence. I hope over time, it will make for a  nice visual block. But, back to the wrestling match. Short version? I won.

Not all the dead wood of life is easy to clear out. Nobody said it would be easy, but it does need to be done. It is sooo easy to get buried under our circumstances, attitudes and perspectives that we forget who we are! 
We’re God’s children…so, we’re never alone when we’re clearing out the undergrowth. Sometimes it is a breeze of a job and sometimes not, but the beautiful part is that He’s got something for us to learn in every situation. He can teach us from the cord wood and use those piles to block out our tendencies to reach back and by doing so, not fully live in the day He has made for us….

This is the Lord’s doing,
    and it is wonderful to see.
This is the day the Lord has made.
    We will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:23 & 24

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May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace
as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow
with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13