May our hearts and minds continue to birl away from self and move through the currents of this world, carried by His Word, to the eternal embrace of our Saviour, Christ Jesus.

Sunday, April 22, 2018


Each season seems to have a “something” that wants to get in the way. An obstacle or event that upsets our path. Looking back, things look clear, but inside that time, things can seem unclear, the problem bigger or higher to overcome than it really is.
Ephesians 3:18 says,

And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high and how deep His love is.

God’s Love is with us, covers us in all our seasons. It is higher and bigger than anything the evil one may throw in our way. Within a season, our Perspective Changer comes when we expand our view, beyond the obstacle and to the One who moves it. Our Father is the Season Changer, the One Who knows our every step and has set our path each day. We just need to expand our view till understanding comes into focus.  

Perspective, what a word! I’ve heard several people use this word lately, in a context I really didn’t understand. Soooo, to think it thru, here’s my peek at the word….

Perspective requires many openings, it is not walled off, or singular in origin. Perspective requires input opportunities, or else it is just opinion. Perspective implies a widened view of things, an understanding of the panorama life gives us.

So, for me….I see and live life from my point on the panorama, that is, my vantage point, my “perspective” of life…but perspective sees and allows for the existence of others.
Opinion, often times, has seen others, but deems them invalid and so dismisses them. When we seek God’s perspective, we are free to live from our vantage point that place He has placed us and look for Him in the vantage points of others.

When Jesus asked, “Do you have eyes but fail to see, and ears but fail to hear?” Mark 8:18, it wasn’t a physical question, but a faith question. When we live our lives “seeing” thru our own filters of experience, our vision is limited. We can be ruled and directed by pride and fears we are totally unaware of, because we choose not to look there.
Jesus was asking His disciples, and now us, to view life from a place of faith…to trust Him and His perspective.
And so, our perspectives are not right or wrong, they just “are” our points on the panorama of life intended to join together in one story.

Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives.
Galatians 5:25

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Thank you for stepping in to birl with me!
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace
as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow
with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13