May our hearts and minds continue to birl away from self and move through the currents of this world, carried by His Word, to the eternal embrace of our Saviour, Christ Jesus.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

New Growth!

He directs our paths, always…not just when we are aware, but always.  The labyrinth is a ‘physical’ way of opening space to walk with and listen to the Lord. In laying the path here, my desire is to have Him set all our steps, beginning with the actual labyrinth design. 

I was absolutely thrilled to see new growth at the base of the giant timber bamboo and it is coming up right where it will form part of the wall of the pathway!
Isn’t that just the way of God, to bring in new growth and always right where it needs to be. We may not know we “need” it at the time, or what to do with it, but He will direct the path when we seek Him to do so.

Then as I was taking a few rocks at a time from the big pile, I thought, “I may need more Lord. It’s going to run out” HA, I turned around and there behind the ginger was a whole other pile of rocks waiting to be used and already on the side of the labyrinth where they are needed! That seemed like a great time to take a breather and sit for a moment and thank Him, yet again, for His provision in all this.

As I stopped to catch my breath a bit and look at the path so far, I was transported back to my childhood. My brother, sister and I used to have a favourite past time when camping in the woods. We made leaf houses, pretty elaborate ones as I recall! And here I thought this labyrinth making was new to me. 

Well, nothing new under the sun, Lord! Guess all those leaf houses were practice for the prayer labyrinth that He would one day have me make at home.

The Lord watches over you—
    the Lord is your shade at your right hand;
the sun will not harm you by day,
    nor the moon by night.
 The Lord will keep you from all harm—
    he will watch over your life;
the Lord will watch over your coming and going
    both now and forevermore.
Psalm 121:5-8

Friday, June 21, 2013


I had a few minutes this morning to begin laying out the pattern of the labyrinth. So exciting to see it starting to take shape! My supervisor was pleased, too.

Moving one pile of rocks and another so the Center is now loosely marked out. I thought it best to start here and work around the center. There are some things already set in place, like the giant timber bamboo that can’t be moved, and they make good anchor points. I guess that’s probably the best way to do everything! Start with Him and work our way to the rest of life.  

 It sure would make things easier if that were always my normal “go-to” move. God most definitely has put some wonderful “anchors” in my life; people that pour His grace right into my soul! I had to pause and thank Him for this sweet reminder of some of you this morning.

And I know that for a moment this will seem like quite a leap, but skip over for a minute with me….Am I the only one that thinks that is a weird word? BLOG
I guess I could google the origin, but even doing that doesn’t make the word sound appealing. Promise there is a point to this ;)
So, as I was thinking on this “blog” and then my mind went rambling towards my dislike of the word, a beautiful thought came…

 Bless Lord Our Gathering

I got goosebumps!!! Thankful that He took my wandering mind and brought it back to Him, to His point for this space…Life giving, Spirit-filled steps closer to Him with you, my gift of friends from Him.
So, it continues to be my prayer that the Lord bless our conversation here! BLOG away!!!  

Glory in His holy name; Let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice!
I Chronicles 16:10

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Paintin' Pallets

There was a sweet breeze to keep things cool for a bit this morning, so I began painting the pallet “walls” today!!  Painting and humming along with the doves made for a peaceful morning. There’s just something great about taking these old pallets and giving them new life!

The thought struck me that this is exactly what God does with us, by restoring us and giving us a usefulness in His kingdom. Tho’ I paint sloppily with my brush, He covers us beautifully, completely by Christ’s sacrifice on the cross.

I watched as I painted today, as the grain of two of the boards matched up. Unnoticeable before the paint, but as the paint went on the swirls of the grain lined up perfectly. Like us? On the outside, in our human-ness, the differences seem many, but covered in Christ we match! Our “grains” are as intertwined with each other as our eternity is in The Cross…our steps of life made perfect in our steps with Him.

He has declared that He will set you in praise, fame and honor high above all the nations He has made and that you will be a people holy to the Lord your God, as He promised.
Deuteronomy 26:19

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Kessler Methodist Church ~ Dallas, Texas

I found a listing for this labyrinth online and decided to go visit on our second day in DFW. The day was overcast and a little rain fell occasionally, but nothing too stormy. The road I drove in on wound through a pretty, hilly neighborhood. The Church is on the corner and filled with large oak trees, something we do not see where we live!

As I pulled around to the parking lot, I saw that there was a school and the children were playing outside and laughing. It was quite a difference from the quiet hill on the morning before. The sweet, boisterous, joy-filled sounds of children filled the air! 

As I walked around the sidewalk to the entrance of the labyrinth, it began to rain and everyone ran inside. I also, ran back to the truck and waited. Then, after just a few minutes, it stopped. So, settled under a smaller tree at the edge of the labyrinth, I opened my book. The Scripture for that day was Ephesians 4:30,

“And grieve not the Holy Spirit, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.”

At the very moment I read that, it began to mist a bit, but I was under the tree and staying dry, so I sat. A moment later there was a clap of thunder and one single drop came flying in (at an odd angle) and landed by my eye and ran slowly down my left cheek......We cried softly for a moment, and the skies cleared.  

One of the purposes of the labyrinth walk is to ask God what we should take with us after our time with Him. Again, another analogy, a visual to confirm our time the day before on the hill…So, this day I left my mourning there with Him in the morning rain and took with me the Peace that passes all understanding.

Then young women will dance and be glad, young men and old as well. I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow.
Jeremiah 31:13

Saturday, June 8, 2013


As I was reading my devotional this morning, this phrase jumped out to me...
"My heart goes out to all who truly seek after Me, however haltingly they walk. So, keep on learning to pray - by praying. There is a world of wonder waiting to be discovered through prayer."

AND then that reminded me a something I wrote a couple of years ago...our prayers are precious to our Father.

 “…golden bowls full of incense,
which are the prayers of the saints.”
Revelation 5 : 8b

Lift your prayers,
            allow the praises to flow.
Release them from the hold of this world,
            watch as heavenward they go.

Allow your praise & petition
            to permeate the sky.
Let your heart’s love loose,
            to the Lord let praises fly.

With all the assurance of faith
            & joy of His grace,
Know our prayers have a home ~
            a very special place.

These are not the empty words
            of a hollow heart,
But, Love’s words taken flight,
            in worshipful praise.

They go to our King,
            our Saviour & Lord.
There, in His court
            in golden bowls they are stored.

Our prayers are a treasure,
            the incense of praise.
The gentle wafting of words,
            our chorus of voices raised.

This joining of saints in Love,
            made fresh & anew,
Will sing a new song
            in Glory’s heavenly hue.

Not by our word’s strength or our worship
            are the bowls full of an offering,
But by the grace of Jesus,
            we lift our souls to sing.

Holy, Holy, Worthy, Worthy,
will we forever sing.
By mercy, by Love,
we are a holy incense before our King.