May our hearts and minds continue to birl away from self and move through the currents of this world, carried by His Word, to the eternal embrace of our Saviour, Christ Jesus.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Maker ~ Taker

I love trimming the garden, working outside and just enjoying God’s creation! He has made soooo much cool stuff! This morning was just beautiful. Birds were quietly chirping (hawk in the neighborhood) and the sun was just beginning to warm things up. For me this is just one of the ways that God gives me something to do in His creation.

It got me to thinking about all the times He may have ‘presented’ an opportunity to serve or do, but I missed it. Some days we act like Makers and other days we’re Takers….those are really two distinct categories for us humans.

We are made, created, in God’s image. He is our Creator, and so as His image bearers, shouldn’t we be creators as well? He is vast, He is immeasurable, so our abilities to live as our Creator are also vast and immeasurable! Some may be crafty, others speakers, others organizers, or encouragers, teachers…you get the idea, VAST for His Kingdom purposes. Our creativity is all surrounded by, infused with His purpose. In our creating we will build relationships, pour out His love on our world and live the life He purposed for each of us.

To others it may seem that Christians are living very separate and distinct lives, as if there is a disconnect. That is an illusion of the evil one. God is the One weaving it all together, that all may come to know Him. To me, God’s example of ultimate Creator is just gorgeous…He does not take or force us to love Him. He does not coerce or manipulate our relationship with Him. He does create opportunities for our growing closer to Him in so many ways. His ultimate creation, His gift to us of salvation thru Jesus, is our joy. We cannot ‘take’ that gift, it has been freely created, freely given to us by our Creator.

As I thought on this, just me and the palm trees I was trimming, a few questions came to mind. Somewhere in this day, am I a Maker? Have I created something in a moment that looked like Jesus?  Have I lived as His image bearer today? ...trying to take steps that say "yes"!!!

…So will the words that come out of my mouth not come back empty-handed.
They’ll do the work I sent them to do,
    they’ll complete the assignment I gave them.
“So you’ll go out in joy,
    you’ll be led into a whole and complete life.
The mountains and hills will lead the parade,
    bursting with song.
All the trees of the forest will join the procession,
    exuberant with applause.
No more thistles, but giant sequoias,
    no more thornbushes, but stately pines—
Monuments to me, to God,
    living and lasting evidence of God.”
Isaiah 55:11-13 ~The Message Version

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Thank you for stepping in to birl with me!
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace
as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow
with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13