So, I had myself a Mary/Martha
moment today! But, let’s start at the beginning. You see, I got a gift! It was
a wonderful gift, one of my favourite gifts to receive…a trailer full of wood!
(and there was much rejoicing!!!!) Another reason I love this time of year (it
gets below 70), is that we get to sit out on our deck by the fire pit. So, my
sweet, dear Jon brings home wood and it is wondermous! Well, this time the guys
unloaded the trailer without us there. There was no rhyme or reason to this
pile of wood, just LOTS of it. So much so, that the next day I went out to find
Yep, the wall couldn’t handle all
the new weight. SO, today was the day for me to get in there and sort and move
and pile the wood so it would be useful. Most of this new wood will not be
ready until next year, but it was piled on top of the old wood that is ready to
be used and it had caused the wall to tilt. It is all sorted now and I put
another stake in the pallet wall to help it out and all is well!
As I was working, two thoughts
really came at me at once…and yet again, I had to laugh at myself!
But, one thought at a time! Wood
piles ~~~ we’ve all got them. You know the stuff! That thing some well
intentioned person said that still rattles around in my head, the book I bought
to help out with quiet time (that I still haven’t read) or something I learned
in a sermon, but haven’t acted on…well, you get the idea! I’ve got a wood pile!
The key is to sort. To not bury my old, useful stuff under all this new, “good” stuff. God
does give us all abilities and things to come along in life to encourage us to
grow. We just need to keep an eye on “where” exactly we put our priorities, so
we don’t lose sight of growing things in God’s sorted order. Really good things
can be brought to us by some very well intentioned people, but that doesn’t
always mean we should pile it on…and if we do get God’s prompting to do so,
make sure we ask Him where it goes in the wood pile! ;)
And now, on to thought number two…
I was hefting and hammering, I looked over at Ruby and Ricky and I thought,
“oh, if they only had thumbs they could help out here!” Meanwhile, Ricky was
laying peacefully in Center and Ruby was resting quietly by the seat….and I’m
sorting and grumbling. Insert Mary/Martha moment here! Not that the sorting
didn’t need to get done, before the wall fell over
translation: cook the meal so
everyone could eat. Oh dear.
When Hezekiah and his leaders came and saw the extent of the
mounds of gifts, they praised God and commended God’s people Israel. Hezekiah
then consulted the priests and Levites on how to handle the abundance of
II Chronicles 31:8 ~ The Message Version
In this chapter of II Chronicles it
talks about the abundance brought by the people to the temple of God and how
Hezekiah sought wise counsel and then had the priests sort and hand out all that was given. That’s what
struck me here today in my wood pile. Such a wonderful gift, but it doesn’t do
well if not sorted and handled well. We can do that with God’s great grace in
our lives, too. We can take it for granted, overlook His provision because it’s
buried under my busy schedule, or not do well with it because I didn’t ask Him first
what HE intended to do with ‘it’.
Sitting and sorting now…
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as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow
with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Romans 15:13